C++ developers are well familiar with the CRTP - Curiously Recurring Template Pattern, where a class can derive from another class, specifying itself as a template parameter.

Every now and then I wish this pattern can be used in C#. If you attempt to implement it C++ style, you would get a compile error:

	public abstract class Base<T> {
		public T FluentMethod() {
			return (T)(this); //error CS0030: Cannot convert type 'InheritanceTest.Base<T>' to 'T'

	public class Derived : Base<Derived> {

This is probably a point at which you give up and find another way of doing things. It is, however, possible to implement a fully functioning curiously recurring class system in C# by simply adding a constraint to the base class like so:

	public abstract class Base<T> where T : Base<T>{
		public T FluentMethod() {
			return (T)(this); 

	public class Derived : Base<Derived> {

If you attempt to read the constraint your brain will probably spin in infinite circles trying to figure out how it is even possible for a type parameter to be the same as the class itself. The fact that it works, however, is not more magic than the C++ version, where the recursive nature of the class declaration simply compiles. What the constraint really says is that *T is a class that derives from Base*, which is what `Derived` is.

Another observation. You cannot use Base<T> by itself. It must be inherited from. The abstract keyword is not compulsory, it will compile without it. You just won’t be able to declare an instance of Base<T> by itself.

This post joins a long list of posts that are inspired by one of my StackOverflow answers. The code that uses this pattern can be found in MVCContrib project.

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27 September 2010
